Advocates for Humanity

Friday, 19 October ~ Jean Angel and Mary Lynn Thomson

In a land with A, B and C areas, separate roads and legal systems, and frequent humiliations, I feel great comfort from loving peacemakers including Ayed Abu Eqtaish and colleges assisting children arrested in a military system of law (through Defense for Children International-Palestine); Abdullah Cohen educating people about his Samaritan culture to protect it, a priest at Jacob’s Well Church persisting in his ministry even when under attack by settlers, and Abuna Firas in Zebabdeh giving lessons to his congregants that envision a new and better Israel/Palestine. Here everyone we meet has a story and is an advocate for humanity. People are working to love each other as God loves us and this work is an inspiration. We are pilgrims grateful for welcoming hospitality and delicious Palestinian food.  May we join our new friends in their work to create a more just world.